
Showing posts from September, 2014

Pumpkin Bucket Review

Fall is my favorite time of year for two reasons. The clothes and pumpkin! Every year my favorite past time is to visit Bath and Body Works and check out all the new fall scents. This year they featured a pumpkin bucket. An entire bucket filled with pumpkin goodies. I couldn't resist. The bucket contains a pumpkin loofa; one foaming and one deep cleansing hand soap in pumpkin pecan waffles; a body lotion, spray, and body wash in sweet cinnamon pumpkin, and 3 mini candles.  I love this cute little pumpkin loofa. Bath and Body Works never fails on these babies. It's soft and the perfect size for traveling. The foaming hand soap is definitely my favorite. I think I would have preferred getting another fall scent instead of the two different kinds of soaps. This scent has been around for a while, but it's never been my favorite. The pumpkin aspect is really missing. However, I will say the body spray has an interesting spi

Don't Say Goodbye

Hello Luxers, I hope this post finds you well. I wanted to take some time today to get personal. My goal when creating this blog was to add a personal touch without making it about myself, but I feel the need to explain my absence. As many of you know I am a full-time teacher and school started back for me 3 weeks ago. This year has been a huge change for me professionally and emotionally. I went from a classroom of 11 to a classroom of 22 with 2 diagnosed ADHD students, 1 diagnosed ODD student, and immeasurable emotional, psychological, and behavioral problems. On top of all this I work for a small private school with minimal facilities for these kinds of students. But I have nothing to complain about, I'm blessed and these kids are where they belong in many ways. Anyone else would lose their patience and give up. Nonetheless, I have found it nearly impossible to keep Morning Lux fresh. This summer was such a fun time for me beginning this process. I have found such joy in writing