Pins of the Week

I've been trying to come up with a great weekly post to give you each Friday. I love favorite posts but couldn't really find anything that fit what I wanted do, but finally the inspiration has arrived. Today begins the first Pins of the Week post. Each Friday I will show you my favorite pins from the week. They may be fashion, beauty, food, fitness, or anything else. Categories may change and some may stick around. Be sure to leave a comment sharing your favorite pins.

Favorite DIY
I might have to try this one.

Favorite Hair
I especially love the pastel pink on the tips.

Favorite Food

I've seen these guys before, but still can't muster the baking skills to make them.

Favorite Décor Inspiration
I love cozy office spaces. It's also important that an office is a source of inspiration.

Favorite Blogger Pin is one of the few blogs I read daily. This post was one of my favorites.

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