Weekend in Review

Fault in Our Stars: I finally saw this movie after finishing the book last week. Many times when a book is made into a film fans have a lot of complaints, but I seriously have none. This adaptation was done so well. Of course they added in a few things to make the movie flow better, but everything was done with meaning and without taking away from the structure of the story. Seriously so fabulous! Bravo John Greene.

Burgerfi: After a morning run and a visit with my bestie's new baby boy I headed over to Burgerfi for my favorite burger. As far as veggie burgers go this thing is the best! If you'd like to try making your own, try this recipe: Simple Homemade Veggie Burgers

Trader Joe's: Central Florida has it's first Trader Joe's and the place is poppin'. The store was smaller than I expected, but had a lot of great offerings. My only complaint was the people. It always amazes me how people give up all social conventions in crowds. One woman actually stood next to our cart staring at what we had picked out. 
The star of the loot was definitely this guy. This delicious spread isn't peanut butter, it's actually made from crushed cookies! It taste like chocolate and gingersnap. So good!

I also posted a brand new video to my YouTube channel all about my home scent collection. So if you love candles, wallflowers, and the like be sure to check it out.
