Pulse Memorial

I consider myself lucky enough to live in on of the most beautiful states in this country. I boast in sunshine all year long clad in flip flops and tank tops through December, but I've also had to mourn for this state. One month ago 49 people were killed during an innocent night of dancing with friends and family. Our community is still reeling from this tragedy along with many others dealing with the effects of hatred in our nation.

This week I went downtown to visit my mom at work and decided to visit the memorial across the street at the Dr. Phillips Center. It was the first time I had gone to any of the memorials and with the flowers wilting away like the lives of those in the nightclub that night, I couldn't help but be touched by the love of those left behind.

As some of our lives return to normal or become focused on other events let us not forget this tragedy and remember that hate conquers nothing, but love will always win.
