Coping Mechanisms
As someone who struggles with anxiety and depression, I’ve never been very comfortable with my own negative emotions. I often feel like I’m one sad thought away from a monsoon. I was always the emotional one picked on for my sensitivity and lack of strength. Although I’ve come to terms with this vulnerability and the strength that comes from sympathizing with both the joy and sadness in this world, it’s not easy to feel the weight of the world on your shoulders. One moment of stress feels like a boulder on my back stacked on top of the various other rocks that have attached themselves to me throughout a typical and seemingly mundane day. I say all this not to identify myself as someone who bears more than their fair share of the world. I’m sure many of you feel it too, but have found that you are able to fully detach yourself from the stress and woes of being human. We all have our coping mechanisms. After a tough day it’s not uncommon to have glass of wine to wi...